a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA

The Near Marriage of Thrym (The Groom's Perspective)

Poem (Canso): 

I want and I wait
For a woman who comes
A bride being brought
As bribe for a hammer.
I have right here
A hammer for her.
T-tunic is tentlike
I am tense with joy.


She enters with escort
And elephantine grace
Her footstaps so fierce;
Like falling thunder.
I fancied that Freja
Was smaller of frame.
The odor of oxen
Is on her heavily.


Very well veiled is she;
But visible still.
A hairy chin shows she
Really should have shaved;
She boasts a backside
Bountiful; but mannish
I find myself frightened;
Do fries come with that, Freja?


I glimpse bodice that boasts
A bosom oceans wide
But flat as a floormat
I am flustered to see
A back with hair like hide
Of horse in winter
And why wear a helm
When wed, I wonder . . .


May I have the hammer?
She husky-voiced asks-
‘Tis below my belt’ I say
‘you’ve but to find it.’
Furry forearm reaches
To find hidden Mjolnir.
Groping my Garments-
‘Getting Warmer’ I warn.


As she seeks and searches
I slide hands on her
What’s this? I wonder-
She wears below belly-
A mace at her midriff?
I marvel at it’s heft
With sac on either side
For storing coins; no doubt.


Finally she finds it;
And frees thunder hammer;
Dress drops revealing
Decidedly male bride.
Thor is thoroughly pissed;
And throws his tool about.
Tent tunic collapses;
So, too, shall I soon.